Advanced Forging and Milling Solutions
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Thanks to our consolidated experience made during over 60 years of presence in the Power Generation and Oil & Gas markets and our complete range of products, we are recognized as a leader in the production of Forged Turbine Blades and we supply all the major OEMs, worldwide.
Thanks to our customers, our Steam Turbine Blades and Gas Compressor Blades are installed in several hundreds of Power Stations all over the world and help to generate thousands of megawatts of electricity every day.
The above map shows a subset of the known Power Stations served through our customers in the last 10 years. Many Power Stations are unknown, especially in case of Gas Turbines, mainly built for stock. All attempts have been made to ensure the data quality. If, inspite of our efforts, you encounter errors or you would like to know more about our references, please contact us.
The above timeline shows a subset of the Platforms for which C BLADE supplies performance-critical forgings and services.
C*Blade S.p.A. Forging & Manufacturing
Registered Office Via Genova 1, 33085 Maniago (PN) ITALY
Register of Companies of Pordenone 73282
Fiscal Code and VAT number IT 01391770938
Company under control of Ethica Global Investments S.p.A.
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Phone: +39 0427 735411 / Fax: +39 0427 700141